This is a space, that allows us to sense with our whole body, mind and spirit.
Dance and movement has been a practice and passion for years. Exploring different types of teachings, educations and styles, I have fallen in love with the explorative and free form, where women come together, and create a sacred space, for all life to flow.
With curiosity we explore the living moment and allow our bodies to move as feels natural. For me, this is a deep practice of my life.
The experiences I have encountered through movement and dance, has changed my life.
I believe our bodies have an instinctual language, we can learn to navigate from. Practicing our embodiment, is like opening a gate to our inner wisdom and truth.
It's a constant wave between leading and being led. Masculine and feminine. Meeting the wild, the sensual, the soft, the shy, the weird, the unlimited, the loving, the hurt, the free, parts of us.
Moving in our YES. Moving with our NO. Learning to navigate from within. We let movement and stillness unfold and connect to the power of music.
As a ritual, we start and end our gatherings in circle. Starting with meditation, dropping in. Closing off with deep stretches and soft rest.
We always give space to share insights, words, silence. Whatever is needed in the room.
No matter if you work with me in healing sessions, gatherings and circles – my approach will be the same: I believe every imbalance, can be healed and harmonized, through listening, moving, feeling and releasing.
I always keep a very down to earth and easeful approach in my teachings. We are women, there has to be room for it all.
You don’t need any pre-experince to join. Only an open mind and a curious heart. It is my pleasure to share these embodiment practices with you.

... These dance spaces Fenjah has created and gathered us for, has helped me so much on my journey back to myself. Together with the other women, we have made a very safe space, to express ourselves vulnerable, crazy, fully and honest. Thank you so much Fenjah!"...
- C I L L E